Spirit Cloths

"When there is a balanced and healing intention, it is a magical Alchemy of Transformation + Creation."


spirit cloths yuma
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Aboriginal healing spirit cloth Annabelle Sharman
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A YUMA Immersive Experience with Annabelle Sharman Creator of the YUMA SPIRIT CLOTH and Author of the FUTURE ANCESTOR;
A Guide and Journey to Oneness. (Published by hay House UK)

THE YUMA SPIRIT CLOTH CREATION is a Unique Blend of Holistic Life Coaching , Healing + Spiritual Guidance with a YUMA Spirit Cloth to represent your Dreaming and Healing Medicine .

YUMA Meaning BE In Mutti Mutti Language Is My Dreaming To Live In Oneness.
To BE Self, Spirit And Mother Earth.

The YUMA Way Of Being Model empowers you to BE your own healer and BE The Medicine in your personal healing, wellness and Dreaming Journey.

When all the elements combine
It is a perfect balance of all there is
And with this balance,
It is the oneness.
It is harmony.
And in this,
Not forgetting the human element
Our human spirit
The thread that alchemises all
the elements to share in nature's beauty.


"I honour all of my Ancestors who Dreamed me into being and existence. I acknowledge my Ancestral homelands.
I will continue to walk with honour, strength and embody the spirit of my Ancestors to empower hope, peace, freedom and healing."

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